Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Happy Diwal wishes from Peoplelink

  Happy Diwali Video conferencing Software


                                                                                                                         Happy Diwali
                                                                            Video conferencing Software 

                                                                                                                         Happy Diwali
                                                                          Video conferencing Software 


Thursday, 20 October 2011

Dennis Ritchie dies at the age of 70

                                                                                                  Video conferencing Software
By Tim Kenneally

The world has lost another computer pioneer. Dennis Ritchie, the computer scientist who invented the C programming language and co-developed the Unix operating system, has died at the age of 70.

"Ritchie was under the radar. His name was not a household name at all, but ... if you had a microscope and could look in a computer, you'd see his work everywhere inside."

Born in Bronxville, NY, Ritchie began working at Bell Labs — where his father was a scientist — in 1967, earning his Ph.D. from Harvard the following year. He retired from Bell in 2007.

Read more about the great man
The man who commanded the computer world....

Monday, 17 October 2011

How To Turn Your WordPress Blog From NoFollow to DoFollow Without a Plugin

Leader in Video conferencing Software

About the Author | Boutros AbiChedid

Boutros is a professional freelance Web designer, Web developer, Software Engineer, and Blogger. He is the Chief developer at Blue Olive Online. He strives for pixel perfect design, clean robust code, and user-friendly interface. If you have a project in mind and like his work, feel free to contact him.
Visit Boutros AbiChedid Website

In this tutorial, I will show you how to easily turn your WordPress blog from the default NoFollow to a DoFollow blog without the need of a plugin. Why not turn your blog into a DoFollow blog and get more visitors, more traffic and eventualy more recognition in the Online community. Probably you already have seen some blogs displaying the DoFollow image and you wonder how it is done and what it really means. Read my next tutorial for a closer look at DoFollow versus NoFollow.

What are NoFollow and DoFollow?

DoFollow is a term that does not really exist. It is a slang term given to Websites that are not using nofollow. nofollow is a value that can be assigned to the rel attribute of the HTML anchor tag to instruct some search engines not to pass on any influence to an outbound link. The nofollow value was intended to stop comment spam in blogs. Commenting is recognized as a good way to get one way backlinks. But it has been abused and thus the creation of the nofollow value back in 2005.

You might already know that NoFollow blogs do not carry any PR value to other Websites through commenting. If your blog is DoFollow then comments made by your users get Link juice, meaning that your blog passes on the PR value to the commenter.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Read about Steve Jobs from various sites

Video conferencing Software

Steve jobs 1955-2011 the legendary CEO of APPLE

By Erik Sherman | October 6, 2011

Here’s a look at some of the best moves Jobs ever made — decisions that weren’t just sound, but ground-breaking. Choices that most of the smart business set wouldn’t have taken. That’s what makes them something more than savvy. It makes them great.


Video conferencing Software

steve jobs big lesson - stay hungry stay foolish

By Larry Dignan | October 5, 2011, 6:17pm PDT

Steve Jobs has passed away and what you’ll find on these pages and many Web pages like them are planned storylines about the life Apple’s co-founder.

That’s life in the news business. You plan ahead. Now that we’re posting stories, video packages and other pieces of content it all just feels off. Like way off.

Why? You don’t quite know what your reaction will be until the moment actually comes. We all knew Jobs’ day would come. We also knew it would come soon. That’s why the thoughts that emerged when Jobs stepped down as CEO came out like obits. Few of use wanted to totally acknowledge it, but Jobs’ fate was obvious when he stepped down as CEO.

Those CEO stories primarily focused on the business side of Jobs. His first tour at Apple. The Next diversion. Pixar. And then the rebirth at Apple, which appears to be set up for a nice post Jobs run. Frankly, setting Apple up to thrive beyond his tenure may turn out to be Jobs’ greatest business accomplishment.

When Jobs stepped down as CEO I chose to look at his ride through the lens of Apple products. It’s was a natural path to take. Now that Jobs has passed it isn’t.

Whether you love or hate Apple—or fall somewhere in between—it’s hard not to acknowledge that Jobs was a brilliant man. He’s also a man that we don’t really know a lot about. But he’s also a man that changed a lot of lives.

Here’s what stuck out about Jobs for me:

Stubborn as hell.
Great leader.
An artist eye for design with an engineer’s brain.
Amazing legacy.
“Stay hungry, stay foolish.”

I’d argue that Jobs is my generation’s Walt Disney. He entertained. He delighted. And he built something enduring. Jobs was a disruptive force. Given the Disney comparison, it’s a bit ironic that Jobs wound up being Disney’s largest shareholder via the Pixar acquisition.

More importantly, Jobs loved what he did. And pursued that love with a passion. In a 2005 Stanford commencement speech, Jobs said:

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

For now, Jobs’ passing is garnering a bevy of statements—mostly canned like a lot of the stories tonight. But all you really need to know about Jobs and what he left behind can be found in his Stanford commencement speech from 2005 (full text). As you ponder Jobs it’s worth adapting some of these life lessons for your days ahead.

Video conferencing Software


Posted: Saturday, October 8, 2011 12:02 am | Updated: 12:06 am, Sat Oct 8, 2011.

TED ANTHONY,AP National Writer

CUPERTINO, Calif. (AP) - In dark suit and bowtie, he is a computing-era carnival barker - eyebrows bouncing, hands gesturing, smile seductive and coy and a bit annoying. It's as if he's on his first date with an entire generation of consumers. And, in a way, he is. http://thedailynewsonline.com/lifestyles/article_813a9e42-f162-11e0-86f9-001cc4c03286.html

Video conferencing Software

6 Lessons We Could Learn from Steve Jobs

6 Lessons We Could Learn from Steve Jobs

By Margaret Heffernan | October 6, 2011

Tracking the achievements of Steve Jobs isn’t a difficult thing to do. They’re big, public and - especially in technology - remarkably long lasting. More tricky but, I think, more interesting, is eliciting from those achievements the lessons we could learn from his successes if we tried.

1. Style is Content

From the outset, Jobs and Apple believed in style: in fonts, in graphics, in industrial design and in marketing. It’s easy to under-estimate how eccentric this was at the time - and how eccentric it remains today. While most organizations believe that style is the exclusive purview of marketing, few achieve it even there. Most hardware and software remains remarkably clunky, ugly or simply derivative. (The Kindle is hideous; the Fire a pale imitation.) When I first started working in technology 15 years ago, style was dismissed as frivolous and that’s the status it still holds in most companies today. Anyone who imagines that Apple’s success derives entirely from what’s inside the box (and there are more than a few) has missed a very obvious point.

Conventional wisdom divides thinking into the left brain and the right brain. The left is all systematic, rational, linear while the right is more emotional and creative. What Jobs demonstrated was that success lies not in emphasizing one over the other but in bringing them together. The physical representation of this was clear when he took over Pixar. The new campus planned 3 separate buildings: for creatives, for producers and for business people. He insisted that they be brought under one roof, with toilets at the center - because that’s where everyone meets and talks.

2. Patience Beats Speed

For all that Apple is known for fast product development, the truth is that Jobs was very good at waiting. After his return to Apple in 1997, when the company teetered on the brink of bankruptcy, he did what any smart CEO would do: slashed product lines (15 desktop models to 1) cut software and hardware engineers, eliminated peripherals, reduced inventory and retailers and moved most manufacturing offshore. There is nothing brilliant about this; it’s textbook stuff. But asked in 1998, by Richard Rummelt, what he was going to do next, in order to move Apple beyond its fragile niche position, Jobs had a gutsy answer: “I am going to wait for the next big thing.”

Wait? In a technology business? That took courage. Of course, once he’d figured out what the next big thing was, Jobs was methodical and patient - again - in putting in place everything he’d need to take advantage of the seismic shift in the environment when the U.S. market moved to broadband.

It’s also worth remembering that, during the three years he did this, he was remorselessly hammered by industry analysts not one of whom understood what he was up to.

3. Drama Trumps Romance

Jobs’s product launches were famed for their drama. But one thing they didn’t offer was romance. The products did what they said they’d do. Marketing commentary around them didn’t promise fantasies, illusions or daydreams. Apple promoted its products but didn’t hype them. This may seem a lackluster quality but it built trust. Apple said its products were easy to use not because (like many of its competitors) it hoped that was true, or because it was true for the PhD engineers who’d invented them, but because it was true. It seems peculiar to celebrate a company for truth in advertising but that’s one reason why Apple customers, once smitten, stayed loyal.

4. Nothing Beats a Good Mistake

Jobs’s career isn’t without its mis-steps. Losing control of Apple was the biggest and most obvious but there were plenty of minor slip ups along the way. The suicides at the Foxconn plant that manufactures iPhones was just one of these. But Jobs didn’t try to deny that they had taken place or that they mattered. He was swift to point out that Apple’s scrutiny of its suppliers was more rigorous than most - but he still moved quickly to understand what was going on and try to find remedies.

Every company makes mistakes. But, treated right, they can be treasure troves of learning. Moreover, people loved Jobs not because he didn’t make mistakes - but because he learned from them.

5. Technology Isn’t All About Youth

In the age of fast companies, built not to last, Apple offered ample proof that you can be innovative and cool after the age of 25. Experience, know how and skills counted for something. While the products were cool, they weren’t all built by pre-adolescents oblivious to the constraints and needs of normal human beings. That Jobs continued to be as innovative in his 50s as he had been in his 20s is something most companies should take time to consider at length.

6. Business Doesn’t Have to Be Bad

Earlier this week I was teaching a class of new MBA students. A strikingly international group, they came from Thailand, India, Korea, Colombia, Russia, Canada, Taiwan, China and the U.S. I asked them who their heroes were. As usual, the list included their parents, various heads of state and Nelson Mandela. But topping the list - regardless of age or nationality - was Steve Jobs. More than anyone else alive, he was the person who inspired their love of business and their desire to try their hands at it.

In an age when the streets are full of anger and violence at the havoc wreaked by one part of the business world, that there is such an inspirational figure as Jobs is important. We need smart men and women, young and old, to have high ambitions for the world of work, someone who believed passionately and articulated brilliantly how much good business can achieve. Now that Jobs is gone, who can fail to be concerned that no one else adequately represents his rich synthesis of intellect, imagination and passion?

The lessons we could learn from Steve Jobs aren’t all that remarkable. Many of them contain wisdom that we already know — we just don’t apply it. Why not? Is it that we lack courage? Or is it that we find it hard to believe that tenets so simple can prove so effective? Surely that’s the moral of the Apple story: there is genius in simplicity. But simple is hard.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Important websites- I call it -- the personal library

Video conferencing Software

There are many Websites that offer information about anything you can imagine, Websites that share tips and How-To´s. It can get confusing and difficult to figure out the best ones with the accurate and reliable information. In this post, I have listed the best 13 Websites that offer free tips and How-To’s.

No matter what you are looking for, these Websites will show you the way.

About the Author | Boutros AbiChedid

Boutros is a professional freelance Web designer, Web developer, Software Engineer, and Blogger. He is the Chief developer at Blue Olive Online. He strives for pixel perfect design, clean robust code, and user-friendly interface. If you have a project in mind and like his work, feel free to contact him.
Visit Boutros AbiChedid Website

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Maudhany likely to be produced in court through video-conferencing

V. S. Palaniappan

Video conferencing taking new trends . Unbelievable when technology takes a new turn to be used to produce criminals in the court. A safe method where there is no need to take them to the court literally.

What should you do if your content is copied by some body

Video conferencing Software

I found this as a very sensitive thing. When lots of pain has been taken to write an article and someone just copies and posts it on their name is not fair. The name and details of the author should be mentioned with the links intact.

I found this article when I was searching on the web it might be of use for the SEO people. here is the link to follow

Amit Agarwal is a personal technology columnist and founder of Digital Inspiration, one of the most widely read how-to blogs in the world..

What should you do when someone copies an article from your blog or steals your website graphics without permission? How can you prevent online plagiarism? What legal action can you take against sites that copy your web content ?



Monday, 3 October 2011

Video conferencing in Small Businesses

The world of Business is revolutionary with new inventions every day. Some revolutions have greater impact and are faster than others. In the Computing world Video conferencing has become a useful tool for all big and small businesses. While the communication was on the telephone line business deals were wage, adding a video and making a decision was little bit of advancement but Video Conferencing combines high definition video with full duplex audio which gives clarity to keeps both parties interactive and reaching a decision is faster. So it has become a business man’s tool as the added features have sharing documents and content and no delay in receiving the required documents.

Teleconferencing and the Business requirements:
Due to unavoidable travel expenses of attending a conferencing at a far end small businesses relay upon teleconferencing. Here all the discussions are done on conference calling and the real mood of the participants is not known and the final decision is delayed until the management reaches at a clear confirmation. It has become necessary for small businesses to upgrade their network to high definition to receive videos and listen to audio with full duplex. This totally solves the problems of teleconferencing.

Live meeting using Video Conferencing:
When a live meeting is arranged using Video Conferencing it is easy to meet individuals and organizations , demonstrate products, present information widely in secure online meetings. It is cost-effective where presenting to various organization located globally far away is possible. The productivity increases, decreases operational costs and generates sales opportunities. The meetings can be recorded. This will be like a boon for small businesses where they will be able to meet all their business requirements from the office table.

Innovative technology which brings about flood of customers:
Video Conferencing being a social media tool can be integrated to face book and twitter. It can be dedicated to customer-focused Web-conferencing product presentations where the customers can connect online and share business related ideas and content using video and audio.

Providing online training to customers and employees:
Training to the employees becomes a regular phenomenon as and when new technology props up. Without which the organization lags behind its competitors. Representing the employees to far of places for the training incurs large travel expenses which can be solved by using Video Conferencing as a tool for online training classes. When there is a up grading in the product or to educate the customers about the product Video conferencing is a very handy tool for small businesses where the employees are also very happy explaining the customers online with out traveling any where.

Resource Box:
The author Shelly is working as an successful SEO for Peoplelink Corporate Solutions, a leader in . Video Conferencing Software and Solutions. She has 3+yrs of experience in Content writing and web designing. She also helps in promoting Audio Conferencing products.

Why Video Conferencing in Educational Institutions

Why Video Conferencing in Educational Institutions?
As we open and peep into the News headlines every alternate day we see that all the nations small or big are implementing Video conferencing in important activities. There has been a drastic change in the approach of the political leaders in using Video Conferencing as a tool to acquire instant vision of the news as it happens. As Video conferencing is the only tool which can help to see and interact with the people in news instantly. Now it is to reiterate that Video Conferencing is becoming a common tool every where, whether it is much popular political leaders or health care of common man. Society where fast technology like 3G is being implemented and mobile video conferencing is more taking shape , schools play an important role where molding the children with trending technology becomes a responsibility.

The time is fast approaching that educators have to decide and plan how to use Video Conferencing, as they move ahead to implement educational videoconferencing programs.

As the child of today has to be proficient in diversified fields, the time, staff and the resources have to work in integration in order to make many concepts clear to the students. As the resources are scattered around the country and across the countries the sending the children to all the places is not possible as it involves expenses as well as time consuming. Implementing Video Conferencing in Educational System as a powerful weapon can bring about awareness of skills and training programs for children through people who are proficient and are far of places from their class rooms.

Certain skills which are essential but are not covered in the syllabus can be made possible by Video Conferencing.

Personality Development : Presentation, speaking, memory techniques interacting with people and body language are the skills which are never taught at remote village schools and neither we can find any teacher who can train the children in these skills. Ultimately though the child is extraordinary in his academics he fails in presenting himself. These skills can be made available for the children at remote places by connecting remote schools through Video Conferencing for the classes.

Personal care, Health and Hygiene: There are many school drop outs in remote schools. It becomes major responsibility of the teacher working to ensure that the children are regular to school in what ever condition they are. Though the teacher tells them the importance of personal care and hygiene he /she cannot insist upon personal neatness with fear of child dropping from school. By implementing Video Conferencing and making the children interact with other children in various parts of the country, they get motivated and they understand the important of being hygienic. Here mission of the teacher becomes easier as  he doesn't talk but Video Conferencing talks every thing what he wants to say.

Collaboration of Videos, Audio and Content:
Important subjective video, audio classes and the documents prepared are very difficult to find and identify. Once a set is made it can be shared across all the schools along with experts explanations through Video Conferencing as interactions and discussions on the topics with experts only can clear the doubts of children which is not possible in a normal schooling.

Role modals: Children learn by seeing people who are already successful. They keep role modals in their mind and love to see and interact with successful personalities. Very few lucky children have the chance to interact with such personalities. If the successful people interact with children through Video Conferencing many schools which are remote and cannot even afford to come out of their village will be able to see their dream come true to interact with their role modals which brings about new confidence in them, which helps in molding them into a great citizens of the nation.

Inter school competitions : Arranging a competition and participating in a competition requires the children to go to the venue leaving their regular classes. But if it is academic competition other than sports all the academic competitions can be held in all the schools by connecting them through Video Conferencing where the children can see and interact with other children of different schools and have the same feeling as if the competition is in the same room.

Diversified skills and Art forms. Many of the handicrafts of India are from very remote villages where one can find skill full artisans at work. The handicrafts found in one place are unique to that place only and cannot be found in other places. Through Video Conferencing skill full art from one place can be introduced to children from various parts of the country which is impossible for the child to meet and learn from a skilled person located far away.

Culture and Heritage: The dressing, language, music, dance forms of a region makes it unique to itself. The sculptures and the lifestyle of a place can only be enjoyed when one can see and be a part of it. Though the children see the visuals in a TV show it doesn’t give them a feeling that they are a part of it . When Culture and Heritage of a place is explained through Video Conferencing and interaction with a person who really owns the culture, the children are impressed enjoy with the feeling of being with the people in that place which creates a respect in them for their culture and heritage and make them loves their nation.

After all teaching is to make the child into a good and proud citizen of the country.

The author Shelly is working as an successful SEO for Peoplelink Corporate Solutions, a leader in . Video Conferencing Software and Solutions. She has 3+yrs of experience in Content writing and web designing. She also helps in promoting Audio Conferencing products.