Do you remember that famous scene in 3 idiots where Amir Khan helps the delivery of a child? Who doesn’t, and all applaud the ingenuity?

It’s a construction site, the site in-charge is bent over the site plans, studying the next stage of foundation, his deputy comes running, “Sir, Sir problem”, no questions asked, in-charge rushes to the site, a slight crack in the earlier foundation, its differential settlement, the previously cast foundation started sinking to its left. In spite of the detailed geological study and the allowances for unstable substrata the settlement has occurred, this will prove fatal if not corrected now. He makes the call, “Sir it happened” all construction stopped immediately and camera installed at the sight, beaming the site pictures, a geologist, a masters in concrete technology, a steel reinforcement designer, and foundation engineer all study the site and come up with the suggested solution which is implemented and saves the prestigious and a strategic structure. Well only that all the experts where not in a board room, geologist way away in a remote place doing a study, concrete technologist was abroad presenting a paper, reinforcement designer on a holiday and the foundation engineer was attending a seminar.
A software engineer on a holiday to his village sees that the paddy is infected by a peculiar disease. In the evening while chatting on FB mentions it to his friend, his friend suggests why don’t you let the world know it there might be a remedy. He immediately posts pictures of the diseased paddy. There where immediate response from an NGO, wanting to see the paddy live to take a call. The soft ware engineer fixes date and time with the NGO and shows the paddy on net. The NGO, who has organized for various experts to see the same at the same time, with experts interacting directly with the farmers, it turned out that a study on a similar disease has just concluded and so the cure was delivered free of cost to the villagers. The village had a bumper crop that year.
An enthusiastic young lady takes on the challenge of heading a school for differently able children. First day at school was the most pain full experience of her life. No knowledge of the various problems of the children the staff was just running the school like a kindergarten with no scope of any development for the students. On consulting with various child specialist and psychologist her sense of despair only grow, non were available to come to the school. She decides to take the needy children to the doctors, with the helping of her ever encouraging husband she established a desktop video conferencing facility at the school. The guidance of the psychologist and the child specialists brought about a marked change in the children. The interaction with similar children from other places through video conferencing also saw a sea change in the development of the children.
What is common is all these, the presence of a genius on site, or an ingenious person or an enterprising person or just a man who loves to do things right. All would have failed or correctly put could not have performed without the presence of the expert advice after studying the ground conditions. It was all possible because of the ability to see and study the situation live by the experts and exchanging views in real time. Distances have seized to be a constraint; exchange of ideas across the world is a reality. Ability to talk in person and see him solves half the problem, a look is better than thousand reports, presence of an expert on sight (be it virtual) is reassuring and a stitch in time saves nine.
Our Video conferencing is aimed at touching the lives of all the needy, courage to the scared, bringing a smile to the distressed and making a meaning full change to make this world a better place to live. Imagination is the limit say hello to the beloved in person, let your mom in India help you in preparing your dish in US, just have a chat with your lonely parents, friends across the world can party together or just make that much needed change to someone, to bring that million dollar smile, we are with you and for you always and every time.
Mr. PVR Subramanian is an eminent writer, holds a highly responsible position and is busy with his work schedule whole day. He is passionate for writing, gives time to fulfill his desire to write his experiences . And his writings keep us thinking.. as he writes to heart and not to the book..